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Transaction categories can help you organize your transactions. Category information can be used to sort your transactions on online reports. There are standard categories and custom categories you define.


A written order to a financial institution to pay the amount specified from funds invested; also known as a draft.

Completed Transaction

A transaction which has cleared or that we have finished processing.


Amount invested to your note as part of a transaction.


Comma-separated-values file format for use in spreadsheet programs. For Windows users, this file format can be used with any spreadsheet program. For Macintosh users, this file format can only be used with the Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet program.

Current Balance

Today's starting balance plus or minus any current-day transactions that have not yet completed or cleared.

Custom Category

Custom categories are transaction categories you have created for your use. Category information can be used to organize your transactions and to sort them on online reports. Custom categories can be added, edited, and deleted.

Customize Your Notes

A feature that enables you to customize the display of the title of your Ford Interest Advantage note or external transfer accounts to describe their purpose or the type of transactions for which they are commonly used. The description you enter appears only when the note or account is listed online.