FAQs on Note Information
Can I change which transactions are displayed on the Note Activity page?
What is the difference between the current balance and the available balance?
How do I view transaction history for a note?
How do I change which notes are listed on the Notes Overview page?
What is a completed transaction?
Can I change the order in which transactions are listed on the Note Activity page?
Yes. Just click a column heading to sort transactions by different information or to change the order in which transactions are listed.
Can I change which transactions are displayed on the Note Activity page?
Yes. Click Search Your Transaction History to specify a different date range or search for a specific transaction type, check number, amount, or description. To view transactions currently being processed, click Show Scheduled Transactions.
What is the difference between the current balance and the available balance?
Your current balance is the current balance in your note including today's online transactions. Your available balance is the amount of funds in the note which are available for redemption. It is the current balance minus any funds subject to hold.
How do I view transaction history for a note?
To view transaction history, you can either click the Note Activity link or click the note description on the Notes Overview page.