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Create a Report

The Create a Report page is used to create a custom report of transaction information for a note.

You can access the Create a Report page by clicking Create a Report on the Notes menu.
  1. Click the Notes tab.

    Result: The Notes menu is displayed.

  2. Click the Create a Report menu item.

    Result: The Create a Report page is displayed.

  3. Select the note for which you want to view transactions.
  4. Enter a From date and a To date to specify the date range of the report.
  5. Select the Transaction Types you want listed on the report.
  6. If you are assigning transactions to categories, either Select Categories by Type and Tax Status or Select Categories by Name.
  7. Click Create a Report.

    Result: The Report of Completed Transactions is displayed.

  8. View your report.
  9. To print or save a report, click Print-Friendly View at the top of the page.

To create a new report, click Change Report Criteria.